Water Community


Objectives of the session:

Presentation of the RIS3CAT Water Community, which aims to promote the economic transformation of companies related to the management and consumption of water.



Xavier Martínez 

Santiago Vendrell: Research into cost-efficient technologies based on separation, biological and other innovative processes for the treatment of complex effluents

Santiago Vendrell Figueras is Director and co-founder of the Environmental Engineering company Protecmed.
Technical Engineer with 30 years of experience in the field of water and waste treatment has worked in different fields: urban, industrial, drinking water, process water ..., developing projects in countries around the world, always related to environmental protection. In 2009 he found PROTECMED which in addition of working for administrations and industries, has also developed an intense activity related to R+D+i. In collaboration with technology centers and universities, Protecmed participate actively in national and international projects as Life+ or RIS3CAT conducting research with innovative technologies, designing and building prototypes in their own factory and test pilot plants for water and waste treatment.


Lluís Altimira: Research into water regeneration technologies and risk management for reuse

1994: Degree in Chemical Sciences (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
1995: Postgraduate degree in Management of Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants (Les Heures - UB)
1998: Start in Chemipol.
From 2000 to 2015: Internationalization of the company
From 2015 until now: Participation in the development of the line of equipment for water treatment systems







Aitor Corchero: Management of the quality and quantity of water in the supply and distribution processes

Aitor Corchero (male) is senior researcher and R+D project manager in the Applied Artificial Intelligence R&D Group of Eurecat Technology Centre. He studied Computer Science Engineering at the University of Mondragon (MUN) and also has obtained the MSc degree in computer science at University of Lleida. He has more than 10 years of experience as data scientist and semantic web. Specifically, he has experience on semantic web technologies, data analytics (machine learning/data mining and deep learning), decision support systems (rule based reasoning and case-based reasoning) and cognitive AI for a broad of domains including water management, building energy efficiency management and physical and logical security systems (Botnet detection and remediation systems). Moreover, he is involved in Water domain (OGC®, ICT4Water Cluster), semantic web (IoT Schema.org) and IoT associations (AIOTI, BDVA). Currently, he is chair of the water management action group of the AIOTI and also, chair of the "standardization and Interoperability" action group of the ICT4WATER cluster. Moreover, Aitor has been involved and leading from EUT side more than 20 EU projects covering FP7, H2020 and LIFE projects.





Beatriz Corso: Technologies for the intelligent and sustainable management of the water cycle in tourist facilities

Beatriz Corzo is a chemical engineer and has an industrial doctorate from the University of Barcelona. From 2009 to 2018, she worked at Acciona Agua carrying out R+D+i projects, mainly related to desalination and the reuse of wastewater. Since the beginning of 2018, she has managed and promoted R+D+i projects at ACSA Obras e Infraestructuras (Sorigué Group), where she has promoted and led an extensive portfolio of R+D+i projects, mainly related to the circular economy and the water cycle.




Anna Treserra: Electro-purification of industrial wastewater. Technical, environmental and economic viability

Degree in Biology specialised in treatment and analysis of industrial wastewater. Responsible for R&D laboratory. She carries out technical support to the maintenance and operation department of treatment plants and support in the design of facilities performed by the Engineering Department.