Topics & Journals

Research Topics

The 2nd International Congress on Water and Sustainability is divided into four main lines of research in which you can find different topics to include your research, project and / or experience.

Abstracts submission finishes on February 27, 2021. Confirmation of accepted abstracts will be before March 1, 2021. Those who want to apply for special issues in journals must send the complete manuscript before March 10, 2021.
The congress is multilingual, therefore abstracts in Catalan, Spanish or English are accepted for review. Once selected, the author will be responsible for putting it in the format and language of the journal, for formal review in it. Final acceptance is not guaranteed until the journal make the final review.


The research lines are:


Water Treatment:

  1. Purification
  2. Waste management and treatment
  3. Waste water
  4. Environmental management
  5. Integral management of water resources

This line includes the use of natural products, membranes processes and innovative technologies for the treatment of water. Also includes the analysis of water quality in rivers, aquifers and seas as well as the life cycle assessment of systems and processes and other types of environmental studies. Finally, the integral management of water resources includes topics such as the management of hydrographic basins, data collection, data transmission or processing, etc.



  1. Water and cooperation
  2. Water management
  3. Technology and cooperation for development
  4. Case studies and innovative and sustainable cooperation projects

The cooperation line allows the analysis and presentation of case studies of water treatment, both potable and wastewater, in countries with difficulties. In addition, the analysis of the agents that participate in cooperation in water and studies focused on human rights.

Sustainability and LCA:

  1. Technology for sustainability
  2. Innovation and ecodesign
  3. Life Cycle Assessment and Water Footprint

This line aims to incorporate all environmental aspects related to water, from strictly scientific-practical points of view. Finally, there is a technological aspect with three different approaches, the economic and social development of the beneficiaries, sustainability and explanation of how innovation and eco-design can participate in it. 


Water Management Models:

  1. Legal aspects
  2. Transition models
  3. Partnership experiences
  4. Participation and transparency

This last line of research includes all those aspects that refer to water management models, taking into account all relevant aspects in transition processes and the strengths and weaknesses of each model, such as decision-making systems, the transmission of information, participation and transparency, etc.


The authors of the best articles of the congress will receive a notice to send the article (if they decide so) to an special issue of the following journals:

International Journal of Water Resources Development is a policy and practice-oriented Journal that covers all aspects of water resources policy, management, development, and governance. It is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on water resources and their economic, financial, social, and environmental-related impacts. Contributions include the interdependences and inter-linkages between the water and the agricultural, energy, industrial and health sectors in both developed and developing countries, both at present and in the future.