Organizing Committee

Beatriz Amante García

Doctor by l'École Nationale Superieure des Télécommunications (Télécom ParisTech)  from París in 2002.

She currently holds the position of Associate Professor at the UPC in the Department of Project Engineering and Construction. During her time in Paris, she taught at Télécom ParisTech and the University Paris XII. Between 2003 – 2006 she was Professor at the European University of Madrid and in her last year she became Director of the Department of Telecommunications. The areas in which she gave training were Electronics, Electricity, Radio Systems and finally Engineering Projects. She wrote her Ph.D. dissertation on the automotive sector, on radar systems that can support driving steering.  In recent years, Beatriz has focused her research activities on the automotive sector and has conducted life cycle analysis, battery aging and business models studies. Further, she is carrying out solidarity projects in countries such as Burkina Faso, with a key focus on water treatment, including both wastewater and purification using natural coagulants.

Victor López Grimau

Born in Barcelona in 1976. He presented his PhD thesis in 2007 focused on the electrochemical treatment and reuse of industrial waste water. He is Associate Professor of the Department of Projects and Construction Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)-Barcelona Tech. He is researcher of the consolidated research group of Environmental Engineering (SGR ENMA) located in the Institute of Textile Research of UPC. Their research expertise is related to the development of sustainable water purification methods.


Augusto Arce Martínez

Dr. in Chemical Sciences by the Autonomous University of Madrid. Doctoral Thesis on “Methanization of lignocellulosic waste.” Master in Environmental Pollution from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).
Currently, he is Professor at the Higher Technical School of Food Agronomic Engineering and Biosystems of the UPM, teaching Environmental Chemical Pollution, Bases of Environmental Engineering and Wastewater Management in Agriculture.
He has participated in studies related to the application of inorganic fertilizers and organic waste, denitrification, emissions of reactive and greenhouse gases, nitrogen balances, leaching and contamination of aquifers, with participation in R&D projects financed by public calls and private companies .
He was Director of the Course “Water: Quality control for industrial and urban agricultural uses. Contamination and regeneration of water”, financed by the Community of Madrid and the European Social Fund (2004-2011).
He is currently member of the COST Action “Drylands facing change: interdisciplinary research on climate change, food insecurity, political instability”. Manager and secretary of the UPM's Master's Degree: Integrated Water Cycle: Resource Planning, Quality and Treatments and Director of the Fertiberia Chair for Agro-environmental Studies.

María del Carmen Romero García

Doctor in Biological Sciences and Coordinator of the Mathematics and Experimental Sciences Didactics Area of the Faculty of Education of the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). It is worth highlighting her involvement in national research projects and research contracts with public administrations in the area of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiological Analysis of water and soils, and teaching innovation. Author of research articles in high-impact journals and book chapters, of communications to national and international congresses, and teaching material. Specialist in active methodologies in face-to-face and virtual environments. Currently her main lines of work are focused on the training and evaluation of skills and application of digital resources and active methodologies in virtual environments. As a member of the Research Group "Active Methodologies and Mastery Learning" of UNIR, she is the main researcher of the project "Development of teaching competencies through active methodologies" ( She is also part of the research group "Development and Innovation of Educational Models" (HUM833) of the University of Seville and is the representative of UNIR in the Research Network of Teachers of Mexico, Andorra and Spain (RIDMAE). Editor of the Journal of Technology and Science Educational.

Jose Miguel Arnal Arnal

He has Chemical Engineer (PhD). He is professor in Chemical Engineering at the Universitat Politécnica de València (UPV), with more than 30 years of experience in this field. It has recognized 5 six-year terms of high quality activity research and 4 five-year terms of high quality teaching activity. His research areas of interest are: water purification, design of facilities for the treatment of hazardous and radioactive waste and equipment design. Founder of the Aquapot project, since 1996 he has been working on the design of water treatment plants and water treatment systems for developing countries. From 2005 to 2016 he was director of the Research Institute for Industrial, Radiophysical and Environmental Safety (ISIRYM) of the UPV.articipated as main researcher in 7 projects financed by public entities, and as a researcher in more than 30 projects. He has participated as main researcher in 15 projects financed by companies and as a researcher in 21 projects. He has participated in 8 European projects. He has participated in more than 50 studies and technical contracts with companies in the sector related to his professional activity.

Juan Grau Olive

Ph.D. Engineering, Industrial Psychologist, Diploma in Marketing, Operational Research, Safety at Work, and various educational techniques

He has been teaching and researching at several Universities such as Madrid (UPM), in Applied Mathematics. He is an expert in mathematical models to aid decision-making and is the author of several books, several chapters in scientific books and more than 50 articles in leading international journals.

He participates in the GASC Research Group and in the Educational Innovation RiskMetrics, of the U.P.M., carrying out projects financed by the European Union and various national and international organizations.

He has worked for 30 years in Telefónica de España and has been Chairman of the PGT Group of the European Conference of Posts and Telecommunications.

Further Juan has been a member of the Organizing Committee of the II National Congress of Telecommunication Engineering and is currently a member of the Spanish Royal Spanish Mathematical Society.

Among the various awards that Juan received, he is Honourable Visitor distinguished by the Catholic University of Cordoba (Argentina).

Carmen Gutiérrez Bouzán

Research Maganer at INTEXTER (UPC), she is responsible of the consolidated research group “Environmental Engineering”. She is specialised in wastewater micropollutants treatment using advanced oxidation techniques and wastewater characterization and instrumental analysis using mainly chromatographic and spectrophotometric techniques.

She was Secretary of the standardization Committee ISO CTN40, academic secretary of INTEXTER, and research vice-director of the same centre. She has been the representative of UPC in the scientific and technical networks Textranet and GDRT, and in the network ACTE for the diffusion and the promotion of employment in the European textile regions. She belongs to the Association of Textile Chemists and Colourists.

She carried out her PhD on electrochemical treatments for colour removal of textile wastewater. Subsequently, she has extended this study on effluent electrochemical treatment and reuse with the direction of 5 PhD. These studies led to 3 patents, 40 scientific papers in JCR indexed journals (most of them in the first quartile), more than 20 scientific dissemination papers and 30 communications in national and international congresses.

She has coordinated 5 National Research Projects on textile wastewater treatments, two innovation projects, one infrastructure and one educational project. She has also issued more than 250 technical reports on studies carried out for diverse textile companies.

As a result of her research background, she is currently Coordinator of the European project ECUVal (ECO-13/630452) co-founded by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME). The project ECUVal, entitled “ElectroChemical technique (EC) combined with UV irradiation for the treatment and reuse of dyeing textile wastewaters: Industrial marketing” is a “First Application and Market Replication Project” based on the technologies developed in the previous national projects.

Jordi Morató Farreras

He has 20 years of experience in research, education and project management, related to projects and programmes on sustainable development of water resources in cities and regions, of which the last 15 years at international level. PhD on Microbiology from Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), and coordinator of the Sustainability UNESCO Chair from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya since 2008. Jordi is also one of the founder members of RECNET (, director of the UNESCOSOST offices ( and COO/Executive Director of RESURBE Program.
His primary research focus is in the field of water quality, appropriate technologies for water potabilization and wastewater treatment, sustainable water management including the water management and the adaptation to climate change, resilience, urban and socio-ecological transformation projects.

He has participated in more than 80 international funded research and training programmes (1996-2015), utilising his expertise in the environmental area, including stages, courses, seminars, workshops, direction of PhD and Master thesis, assessment, and others, especially for Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Perú, Cabo Verde, Senegal, UK and USA. During the last 7 years Jordi’s activities have concentrated on the knowledge transfer focused in the articulation of urban transformation processes, like the Moravia Project in Medellin (2006-2014), the Altos de la Estancia Project (2013-2014) and the Cordillera project (2015) with the District Agency for Risk Management (IDIGER) from the City of Bogota. Jordi is associate member of the Bradford Centre for Sustainable Environments from the University of Bradford, is consultant for the Agencia de Andalucía and the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP) in Spain and for the INCT Program (National Institutes of Science and Technology) from the CNPQ in Brazil. At the same time. Jordi is also reviewer from 22 international journals.

Lluc Canals Casals

Ph.D. by UPC in March 2016.

He holds the position of assistant professor at the UPC in the department of Projects and Construction Engineering after having finished its post-doc done at IREC (Catalonia Institute for Energy Research).

After 7 years of working in the industry and especially in the automotive sector, Lluc had the opportunity to undertake his doctoral thesis on the modelling and ageing of batteries for second life applications, being able to spend more time researching and disclosing it rather than working for others to get abusive benefits.

Further, he is a member of the campaign "Water: A right not a commodity" by Engineering Without Borders and volunteer in the platform Aiguaesvida.

Francisco Belzagui Elder

Chemical engineer. M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering at the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC). M.Sc. in Renewable Energies and Energy Sustainability at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). He is currently a Ph.D. investigator in Environmental Engineering at the INTEXTER-UPC, working towards solutions for the microplastic contamination; specifically, in the textile microfibers. This project is being co-funded between the AGAUR and INDITEX. He has presented several congresses and has 3 publications in first quartile JCR indexed journals. He is also working on developing a sustainable water treatment technology for lakes and ponds by using renewable energies.

Valentina Buscio Olivera

Ph.D. by UPC in December 2015.

Since 2009, she is a member of the research group ENMA-UPC (Environmental Engineering), a group consolidated and recognized by the Catalan Government. Her research activity is focused on studying new wastewater treatments to reduce the environmental impact of different industrial sectors from a circular economy point of view: reuse of water, recycling of raw materials, valorisation of waste and reduction of wastes generation.

As a result of her research activity, she is the author of a Spanish patent, 12 articles published in JCR indexed journals (7 in Q1), 4 articles in other technical journals, 2 chapter of book and more than 100 technical reports.

Juan Manuel de Andres Almeida

Juan Manuel de Andrés Almeida has a B.Sc. in Forestry Engineering and a M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He is Lecturer of the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the UPM. He teaches subjects related to Environmental Engineering, Atmospheric Pollution and Environmental Modeling in different degrees and masters at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales of Madrid, where he defended his Thesis in 2010. Advisor of 28 final year projects, Master’s thesis and final degree projects.

Researcher of the research group named Tecnologías Ambientales y Recursos Industriales (UPM), focused on air quality modeling, waste management and Life Cicle Assessement, and waste water treatment.

He has participated in 9 competitive R+D+i projects with public funding and more than 25 contracts with the administration and private companies. These works have been disseminated in 22 papers published in indexed international scientific journals, 2 publications or monographs and more than 15 communications in international conferences and workshops.

Member of scientific committees of International Congresses related to Environmental and Chemical Engineering.

Since 2018, he is involved in the LOOP-Ports 2019: Circular economy Network of Ports proyect, funded by the European Institute of Innovation Technology (EIT, European Comission). In addition, he is engaged in one of the 15 projects of the Deep Demonstration of Healthy and Clean Cities Program (EIT Climate-KIC).

Beatriz García Fayos

Associate Professor in the Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department and researcher at the Research Institute for Industrial, Radiophysical and Environmental Safety (ISIRYM) at the. Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Chemical Engineering (PhD) and Master in Industrial Wastewater Treatment (AIMME), Master in Industrial Safety and Environment (UPV) and Master in Occupational Risk Prevention (University of Barcelona). Her research began in 2005, joining the “Aquapot Project” on water purification for developing countries. In this project, low-cost solutions are investigated to improve the quality of water intended for human consumption. Initially, she focused on membrane technology, and specifically on Ultrafiltration, carrying out various projects and field applications of the technology developed in Ecuador and Mozambique. Later she focused on her researching in the use of natural coagulants extracted from seeds and specifically on the use of Moringa oleifera, carrying out her doctoral thesis on this topic.  

She was awarded with the extraordinary Doctoral Thesis award as well as the prize for the best UPV thesis and the best thesis in the Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics category awarded by the Social Council of the UPV. Regarding teaching, she teaches various disciplines related to industrial processes, chemical technology, industrial safety and water treatment in the Bachelor and Master degrees in Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering Master degree and in the Master of Occupational Risk Prevention at the UPV.


Maria Sancho Fernández

Industrial Engineer (PhD) from Universitat Politécnica de València (UPV) in 2002, having carried out her doctoral thesis on the treatment of radioactive liquid waste of hospital origin using membrane technologies.

She is currently a full professor in the Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering of the UPV, being attached to the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering, and teaching in the degrees of Chemical Engineering (Degree and Master) and Industrial Engineering (Master). As a researcher, she is linked to the University Institute of Industrial, Radiophysical and Environmental Safety (ISIRYM) of the UPV, where she is part of the research group of Membrane Processes, Liquid Effluent Treatment and Optimization (PROMETEO). Her research has mainly focused on the application of membrane processes for the treatment of liquid effluents and for the purification of water.

Míriam Planas Martín

MSC in Chemical Engineering with the specialization in water treatment and sustainability. Head of the AE Damià de Veuster and instructor at the MEGSJC school. Member and activist of Engineering Without Borders (Associació Catalana d'Enginyeria Sense Fronteres) since 2007, were she works since 2016 in the Campaign "Water a right not a merchandize". Spokesperson of the platform "Aigua és Vida", the Movement for Public Water and Democracy in the AMB, member of the Red Agua Pública and the European Movement for Water. She is part of the executive commission and consultant of the "Associació de Municipis i Entitats per l'Aigua Pública" and of board of the Global Water Partnership Alliance (GWOPA) that depends onUN-Habitat.