
There are several modalities to participate in the Congress:

  • Congress Speaker
  • Congress Visitor. 

There is a discount for students.

The table below shows the prices and key dates to participate in the Congress. Remember that the sooner you register, the lower the registration fee!

Before 11/01

Between 11/01 & 03/03

After 03/03

Congress Speaker

75 €

125 €

175 €

Congress Visitor

75 €

125 €

175 €

Speaker Student*

60 €

100 €

140 €

Visitor Student*

60 €

100 €

140 €


*Student registration should be justified with a document from the university. 

Congress Speaker is the person who participates in the Conference by presenting and defending their original communication either through oral presentation or a poster session. Papers will be published in the conference proceedings book of abstracts and those papers that are better valued by the Scientific Committee will be sent, after acceptance by the authors, to the International Journal of Water Ressources Development, in correspondence to the topic of the accepted paper.

Congress Visitor is a person who participates in the Congress without presenting any communication.

A maximum of 2 communications per person can be submitted.

Note: The notification of acceptance of the abstracts will be sent before the early birth registration fee bonification deadline.

Click on the icon to fill out the registration form now!




Payment information:


After registration, to fully formalize your inscription to the conference you must do the payment in the Congress account. The account number is:

ES72 0182 8182 4102 0304 1980


Please in the subject of the transfer, indicate the conference title and your name as it was written in this registration form (e.g. icws-first name-surname). 

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